Nearly 65 million Americans report episodes of back pain. In fact, 16 million adults experience persistent or chronic back pain, which could impact their quality of life. Back pain is only one of [...]
Experts estimate that millions of Americans are struggling with adrenal fatigue (sometimes referred to as HPA-Axis Dysregulation or Dysfunction). This condition can leave you feeling exhausted [...]
More than 38 million people in the US alone suffer from migraine disease. If you’re one of the unlucky souls who have experienced or frequently experience migraines, you know that they can be [...]
One of your friends brought an impressive cheese platter to a party you’re throwing. Everything seems fine after you eat the first few cubes, but after you have about five, the nausea sets in. [...]
You hear a lot about inflammation, but do you know what causes it? Wednesday, January 8th at 7:15 pm. Reducing Inflammation. Inflammation is at the roof of all acute and chronic illness. Learn [...]
Looking for natural solutions to fertility issues? Monday, November 11th at 7:15 pm. Fertility Factors. Find out natural ways to protect and enhance your fertility. We’ll share tips for [...]