
Want a healthier, more vibrant life?

We can help with that.

We can help you discover the real underlying cause of your health problems, and fix them – naturally and holistically – with a personalized Thrive Wellness Health Program.

Response Testing®




Tired all the time?

Struggling with afternoon fatigue?

Six Health Myths


Health Tips

Top 10 Reasons to Go to a Chiropractor

Nearly 65 million Americans report episodes of back pain. In fact, 16 million adults experience persistent or chronic back pain, which could impact their quality of life. Back pain is only one of the signs you need to see a chiropractor. Chiropractors are trained to help with a number of problems that link back to […]

Healing Adrenal Fatigue Through a Healthy Diet: 11 Foods You Should Be Eating

Experts estimate that millions of Americans are struggling with adrenal fatigue (sometimes referred to as HPA-Axis Dysregulation or Dysfunction). This condition can leave you feeling exhausted during the day and unable to fall asleep at night. You may also experience symptoms like hair loss, weight gain or loss, increased cravings, and difficulty recovering from illness. […]

Hidden Imbalance: 8 Common Food Intolerances You May Have

One of your friends brought an impressive cheese platter to a party you’re throwing. Everything seems fine after you eat the first few cubes, but after you have about five, the nausea sets in. You end up having to break up the party a little early. You could chalk it up to bad cheese, but […]

Who We Are

and why we’re here

Thrive Wellness Center provides services
to support and optimize our clients’ health.

We offer the highest quality natural health solutions, alternatives to drugs and surgery, nutritional testing and guidance.

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

– Thomas Edison
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